Solidworks certification exam pdf
Solidworks certification exam pdf

solidworks certification exam pdf solidworks certification exam pdf

Test your skills - Benchmark your abilities with SOLIDWORKS.Looks good on the company’s resume - There is a boost of confidence in your company knowing that you employees are capable, especially if your business is service based, having a certified staff inspires more confidence from customers and makes your company more competitive.Looks good on the resume - Having a SOLIDWORKS certification on your resume is a booster because it represents your knowledge and competency using the software to somebody who hasn’t seen your work.So what are the benefits of obtaining a certification? SOLIDWORKS Certification is a symbol of ones knowledge, skill, and competency with SOLIDWORKS. You will use the Configuration Manager to add configurations, modify the part, and control the suppression state of features and dimensions.If you have an active subscription with SOLIDWORKS, you and your team can write free SOLIDWORKS Certification Exams. If you’ve joined us for training, a great practice exercise comes from Lesson 10, Exercise 47, in the SOLIDWORKS Essentials Training Manual. MySOLIDWORKS has videos and tutorials that will guide you as you prepare for the exam. However, you can make great use of your MySOLIDWORKS account which is available to all users who have a current subscription. Unlike segment one, segment two does not have a formal practice exam provided by SOLIDWORKS. In the following sections, we will cover helpful tips to maximize your efficiency while taking the exam. Minimum of 77 points out of 104 points are required to pass Changing features of an existing SOLIDWORKS part.Creation of configurations using a Design Table.Creating configurations from other configurations.The following topics will be covered in the exam: The second segment of the CSWP (Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional) exam is designed to test your competency with creating and modifying configurations in SOLIDWORKS. The second segment of the exam is a little different, and perhaps a bit more challenging since we’re now building on more knowledge. She emphasized that while it’s pretty straightforward, we should definitely prepare and consider a few great tips. In our previous post, “ CSWP Certification Series Part One: SOLIDWORKS It Like A Pro” my colleague Abigail focused on the first segment, which deals with modeling.

Solidworks certification exam pdf